Family Scholarship Released

Published by Carolina on


O Bolsa Família Program is an initiative of Federal government which has already helped thousands of Brazilian families.

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Bolsa Familia
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Currently, there have been around 300,000 families registered and participating in this government program.

And for those who are already registered in this program, did you know that it is possible to check your balance online? In this article, we'll teach you how to query the Bolsa Família balance in a simple, safe way and without having to leave your home.

Learn more about the Bolsa Família Program and how to check your balance

O Bolsa Familia is a social program, created by Federal government, which aims to provide an allowance to improve the income of needy families who are in a situation of poverty.


Created in 2003 and the following year, it became a right of every citizen in this condition. In addition, this social program has already helped fight hunger, reduce poverty and promote security, the right to health, education and social assistance.

To be entitled to Bolsa Família, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, such as, for example, being part of a family that is in poverty or extreme poverty and has an income of up to R$ 89.00 or up to R$ 178.00.

To register on Bolsa Familia, it is necessary to look for a sector responsible for social programs in your municipality, present your CPF and proof of income, as well as the identification documents of all family members to certify that the income is in accordance with the rules to participate.

When families are already part of the program, they can have access to Single Registry (CadÚnico) in which, through it, the sectors responsible for Bolsa Familia, are able to monitor all families.


Find out how to check your Bolsa Família balance

Those who are already part of Bolsa Família Program may have access to the balance of this benefit, either in person or over the internet.

To consult online can be done by yourselfgive to you  Box. To do this, simply click on the button “Consult Benefits by family”, informing your data for the registration, such as CPF and NIS of the Bolsa Familia.

By clicking on the option to consult about the Bolsa Familia, the name of one of the family members who was responsible for registering will appear on the initial screen. After that, just click to see the table with the amounts that have already been withdrawn and those that are already available.

Furthermore, and it is important to remember that on the Box, the user can access all the payment dates of the benefit of the Bolsa Familia, clicking on the option “payment schedule”.

You can download the app from Bolsa Familia, available to  android and iOS, , in which it is possible to have access to all the dates of the benefit. Therefore, you can understand all the information about the Bolsa Familia without having to leave the house and in a simple and fast way!

For more information on how to check your balance Bolsa Familia or to explain all your doubts about this social program, visit the website of Federal government.


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